runescape gallery

Berserker by Silniy Oryol

Raiding The Dagannoth Kings by DaEliminator

Fire Breathing by Apsitively

Bandos 3D Model by Razc

Chalk K`rill by DiegoJose6

Evolution of War by Spam Lord96

Huonbob the Mighty Adventurer by Huonbob

Just Dual Wielding by Mad Person99

Palotte`s Meteor Strike FTDT Style by Tifa says Hi

Pernix Nightmare by Elven

Naturally, we love to receive your pictures just as much as we love passing your letters on to Bob, the Sandwich Lady and the KBD (our three most written-to celebrities) and all their friends, so please keep drawing, scanning and emailing them in.Please make sure that you are the artist, though, because nothing makes the Chaos Elemental angrier than claiming someone else’s work as your own! (You may think you’ve seen the Chaos Elemental in a bad mood, but you most certainly haven’t, believe me!)It’s also really great if you tell us your character’s name so you get all the credit you deserve.
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