Tips for purchase rare items of Runescape Gold

Dear runescape players to see you here.The existence of the currency is inevitable trend, the game currency also plays a very important role. Do not have enough money reserves, is can’t play a game.And you do not have enough money, so you need to find a place to rest assured to get Runescape Gold.

This is a guide for the Anti-Scam in Runescape, Our website sincerely hope this will help you some.If items repeatedly get dumped early and the clan leaders keep making lame excuses like the chat owner got hacked, another clan was merching the same item and dumped before us, noobs were spamming our chat channel and scaring people into dumping early, then you should be suspicious.

If the clan is merching something that not many players can use; for example Yew seeds, only about 116k players have the 60 Farming required to plant Yew seeds; then you should be suspicious.Ask the chat owner and the leaders to show you in trade how many of the item they have before you buy anything and keep asking to see the item in trade every day.

If the clan leader isn’t using his main to run the clan but is instead using a level 3 made just for the clan chat then you should be suspicious. The clan leader will claim he chose the name because it sounded cool for a “merch clan” name.After the dump price is reached who is going to Buy Runescape Gold the seeds at a high price caused by the artificial demand that the clan created.

If the clan is has low level spamvertisers using autotypers then you should be suspicious.If the clan leaders kick players out of clan chat who start asking questions or having doubts about how it works then you should be suspicious. If no one else except the clan leaders can post in the clan chat then you should be suspicious.

If the clan has advertisers on crowded worlds constantly recruiting new members then you should be suspicious. Remember, this is a pyramid scheme, it only works if new members are recruited. If the clan will only let you have a rank so you can talk in clan chat if you advertise then you should be suspicious. The more people who advertise the less likely it is that the people running the scam will be caught.

Im addition, Here we supply cheap runescape items and runescape items service online with fast delivery for players who need them. You can place an order any time.It is simple put up your Runescape Gold for sale.If you are looking to buy runescape items or sell runescape items, Player Auctions is simply the safest choice.

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