The Smash ability will now turn off in Runescape

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Player-owned port totems have been reworked to function consistently and to offer more benefits.Higher-end capes have had their armour values corrected. While the capes have lowered armour values, they still remain the most potent capes in game.The player-owned ports log book now states the amount of time until a ship returns.

You can now toggle off the aquanites assignment option at Kuradal. Players will need to pay points to re-enable it again.Aviansie can now be given as a Slayer task by Sumona, Duradel/Lapalok and Kuradal.The Queen Black Dragon now counts as a black dragon for Slayer assignments.Several common Slayer creatures have had their life points increased.
The Smash ability will now turn off Akrisae’s prayers for a short time.The home teleport spell in Dungeoneering will now be less likely to be interrupted by combat ending.Following player feedback, we have altered the drop rates of the rarer items from the World Wakes automatons.The default left-click option in a bank’s side interface is now “Deposit all”.

The Tribute to Guthix event has been extended to last an additional week, and the tribute stone north of Falador will now become a permanent prayer altar and small obelisk at 100,000 rune essence. If you haven’t chipped in with your essence, be sure to do so now!Several changes have been made to Nex. These are detailed in the patch notes.We’ve made a batch of tweaks to the early game. See the patch notes for full details.

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