1 potions:for the runescape adventurer

Welcome! Thank you for privileging me with the opportunity to present some of my ideas. I want to tackle the notion of potions. Generally, people view them as nothing but entangled with the idea of prayer and swiftly raising your levels for a cheap minute. I want to open people’s thoughts to a more wide viewpoint- there is so much potential for Herblore and the future of potions. I was inspired to create some potions that would latch at the lower levels as well implicate a connection with veteran potion makers as well.

There are advantages within the capacity of the Herblore system that can make potion-making even more beneficial to the progressive adventurer. I see one of the main flaws in potions is that they’re not easily shown through entrance with a better gaming experience. They usually damper the mood. So, what would happen if some newer potions became more environmental-reachable instead of just standing at the Grand Exchange-profitable?

1: At the Joint
What it is: A alchemical potion that, for example, can magically bind certain weapons with a set amount of bars (that was needed in creation) that can evolve into a better weapon for that same amount of bars (that was needed in creation). Simply, two bronze daggers, which require a single bronze bar when formed for each, could create a bronze longsword in combination, as the longsword requires two bars. Vica versa as well; a longsword could become two daggers.

This will only be possible if you have the Smithing level needed; as the potion is required to be poured on an anvil and the material worked with a hammer there for a select amount of time. Thus, things that aren’t smithable can’t use this spell.buy runescape gold.

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