To be more specific:
If you want all rewards (tier 3 emotes, tier 3 titles, armor), don’t switch sides.
You won’t get it.
When Jagex upped the renown cost for the tier 2 and tier 3 emotes, they upped the total cost for all rewards on a faction to 65500.
Divide that total, you need 22 days (21.833 days to be exact), when you consider the 3k point limit per day.
Yes, there is about 210k total points you could earn over the course of the entire battle (70 days.)
But, when you switch sides, you lose all progress.
Tier 3 is not avail until Week 7.
if you switch sides, you better hope Jagex extends the event 1-2 days, ‘cuz you won’t be able to buy everything at the other faction.
But it still may be cutting it close.
You still need to earn after you switch for the last time:
20k for last emote
6k for last title
10k for last 2 armor pieces
Late Aug to September is also the time that anyone in school is now spending a 1/3 of their days in class, not online.