Runescape3 Lumbridge’s Homes of Repairing and Get Rewards

Foreman George will tell your daily task in detail every day, you can collect the items he needs from around the area and deposit them in the place he’s about to store. Salvaged materials from the war camps and the town itself will be used to restore this place so that you needn’t worry for the materials.


RuneFest will also do a help with the Lumbridge Rebuildathon. If you lend a hand building the Lumbridge house set up at the venue, you’ll earn a special code that can be redeemed from Diango for an exclusive title. George will unveil a new project to build a memorial to the brave fallen of the Battle of Lumbridge. Your task will be to help him with the building and finish it in time.

What can you gain from the Lumbridge Rebuildathon?
The prize will be classified according to the status and level of the participators. What’s more, your contribution will be measured in points, of which you can earn 1500 per day, and these points can be exchanged at George’s Rebuildathon Rewards Store for XP lamps.

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The small Rebuildathon lamp is available to free players only, at a cost of 750 points. The medium Rebuildathon lamp is available to free players at a cost of 1500 points while for members at a cost of 750 points. There’s also a large Rebuildathon lamp only for membes at 1500 points. Pay attention that this won’t appear at all on free-to-play worlds.

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