If you’re a RuneScape veteran hungry for nostalgia, or just a member who’s curious about Runescape’s history, feel free to get stuck right in! While you’ll start from scratch on the ‘Old School’ servers, it won’t affect your progress in the main game. You can also farm a lot of rs 2007 gold when you play on Old School server, if you are too lazy, then just buy runescape 2007 gold on runescapegold2007.com.
If you have and artistic streak and love Old School have a look at this great opportunity. We are sure you want to know the easiest ways of runescape money making, we will post some guides of this, you just need to keep checking our news update and you will have a big harvest.
An artist in the team will allow us to create new models to use in game, which will mean the possibility of brand new monsters, items and landscapes for you to play in. Of course, the individual we want has to be at one with Old School which is why we want the new artist to come from the Old School community. Old School’s strength is its community and that needs to be reflected at every level.
You’ve been asking for some time for us to expand the Old School team and we are doing just that. We have started advertising for the role of a Junior Artist for Old School. You can sell runescape account and get paid for old school account.