Make more runescape gold is need good methods and techniques

runescape gold2007
runescape gold2007

Skills are a big part of Runescape. If you want to get high levels for your runescape accounts, you need to work a lot on skilling. Each skill is different in its own way. Some skills spark an interest, and others can be boring and slow. Now,we will tell you the some skills that can make much money. The first:Hunter is a great skill to help make money with,there are Chinchompas at level 53, which can be sold for a decent amount of cash. Later on in the skill, you will be able to hunt Red Chinchompas, which is basically the key thing to hunt with hunter. They give great EXP, as well as good cash.

Once you hit 60 woodcutting you can go straight to use or keep on willows until you raise your woodcutting level higher. Once you start yews, you will find this is a great way to make money. Just like willows, keep cutting until at least level 80. Once you raise your woodcutting high enough, making money from woodcutting will be a snap.

At 76 fishing, you can catch and sell sharks. I don’t recommend cooking sharks, as it decreases their value, you’ll burn some, and it requires more time. Before level 76 Fishing, you can fish things like Monkfish, Swordfish, or Lobsters for money. And also woodcutting is a great way to make money at all levels. Though you can sell almost every type of log because they are so popular, here are the most common ones. Willow trees are great to cut at a low level until you can cut yews. Its good money as well.

Maybe you have some different idea about the Runescape money making,but we still hope these skills can help you no matter which one you most like to play,if you want to make money,please keep attention on our website,we will tell you more easy and inseresting way to help you get more money Click here!

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